Mausummery e store offering nationwide shipping, Orders placed will be delivered in 5-7 working days.
Once you’ve successfully placed an order, you’ll receive an order confirmation email. Within 24 hours of placing an order, you will receive a verification call from our Customer Service (C.S) Department to verify the order details (You can inform them any order specific instructions or ask them any product related queries). Once your order has been confirmed by our C.S Department, it would be communicated to our warehouse for shipment.
You can pay for your orders through the Cash on Delivery (COD) mode.
In case of the item(s) in the order through COD are out of stock in our warehouse, then we will only ship the available article(s)
In case of an order not being verified through our CS Department within 72 hours of being placed online, it would be put on hold.
You will be informed via phone or email in case a shipment is delayed due to any given reason.
Your order should be delivered within 2-4 business days via courier in non-sale days.
You can call us at : +92 307-2327777